Sunday, September 26, 2010


We are starting Week Five today!  Sorry to those of you who are following closely, but I forgot to include yesterday's reading when I posted Week Four's reading assignments.  It's posted now, as is all of Week Five.  If we stay on schedule now, we will finish the day before Thanksgiving (November 24th in the US.)  This should give everyone a break over the holidays, and then we'll start a new Bible study in January.  Please let me or Pastor Michael know if you have any suggestions for the next Bible study!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

We're Starting up Again!

It's time to get started with Week Four!  The reading are posted on this Blog under Daily Bible Reading Assignments.  I hope you all are enjoying your time with God every day and are being blessed by being in the Word!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

We're Taking a Short Break so Everyone can Catch Up!

A number of us have fallen behind in our reading due to lots of clinic visits, a few hospitalizations, and surgeries, etc.  So, to give everyone a chance to catch up, we are going to start up again with Week Four on September 19th.  That means we will finish on November 24th (the day before Thanksgiving in the USA), if we don't take any more breaks at all.

For all of you who are on schedule with your reading - Congratulations and Well Done! You've done a great job, but will have to wait for all the rest of us to catch up with you!

For newcomers, now is your chance to catch up and join us on this incredible journey of Faith!